Wednesday, December 31, 2008

5 Hours Left to help A Cable to Jewish Life

There are only a few hours left for you to take advantage of getting a tax deduction for your donations to “A Cable to Jewish Life.”

Please help us cover our satellite bills in time before the New Year comes in. The situation is very urgent. We need your support now more than ever so we can continue broadcasting on satellite.

Do this good deed of charity to support the largest Jewish classroom in the world, in the honor and in memory of the martyrs of Mumbai and their child Dovber.

Please click here to go directly to PayPal to donate by credit card. Don’t hesitate to call me at 718-221-2539 to find out how you can help even more.

Dovber Holtzberg

The Grandparents at the fresh grave of Dovber Holtzbaerg

Over the last month, Rabbi Gavriel and Rebbetzin Rivki Holtzberg and their family from Mumbai India, became part of our own family. We were devastated by their untimely cruel death, and we gasped at the incredible miracle of the rescue of little Moishele.

Today in Israel, many thousands gathered to commemorate the Shloshim (end of 30 day mourning period) for Gabi and Rivki, may G-d avenge their blood. May it be G-d’s will that Moishele’s parents from Gan Eden (paradise) guard over him, so he grows to fill their shoes in happiness and good health.

While we grieve for the Holtzbergs and we pray for the bright future of Moishele. We may have not noticed that the Holtzbergs had another child who unfortunately was suffering from a Jewish genetic disease. At the time of his parents’ death, Dovber was very advanced in his debilitating condition without much hope for survival.

Rabbi Nachman Holtzberg (left)

Sadly, only yesterday 4 and a half year old Dovber passed away in a home for children in Israel. As a member of our family, we all renew our grieving as our hearts go out to his brother Moishele, and his grandparents Rabbi and Mrs. Nachman Holtzberg and Rabbi and Mrs. Shimon Rosenberg. May they live good, happy and healthy long years.

Rabbi Shimon Rosenberg

Yesterday, after the funeral Rabbi Shimon Rosenberg said: It is very difficult to keep strong in times like this when on tragedy follows another. But G-d gives and G-d takes. May His name be blessed. This is the time when G-d gives us extra strength to bear the pain, and He gives courage to all not to collapse.


I am at a loss for words in times like this. I have nothing to say, but shed a tear and another and another.

The Rebbe taught us that in times like this, there is inappropriate to look for explanations and of course not to look for justifications. G-d doesn’t need our defense. All we must do is, to be silent over the tragedy. Then we cry to G-d, our father in heaven, to invoke the powers of mercy, because we have suffered too much pain, and it’s time for Hashem to send us the righteous Moshiach.

This is also a time that we must give each other support and strength and direct our energy to do more Mitzvos and good deeds to help hasten the coming of Moshiach. Then we’ll be relieved of all pain and suffering forever. Amein.

G-d counts when the nations write

The great lover of the Jewish people, Reb Levi Yitzchock of Berditchev, would wish his neighbors a happy new year on January first, of the secular calendar. He based this custom on a verse in Tehilim (Psalms) 87,6, where it says: ה' יספר בכתוב עמים (G-d counts when the nations write). He explained that this refers to the counting of the secular year.

The previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, the sixth Rebbe, and his successor our Rebbe, the seventh Rebbe, also practiced this greeting on new years day. And they would refer to the Berditchever Tzadik as the source for this custom.

So, Happy New Year to you in all your material needs and activities.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Only two days left

Only two days left.

For us to honor our obligation to keep our satellite contract.

Only two days left.

For you to give your 2008 tax deductible donation.

Only two days left.

"A Cable to Jewish Life" is in danger of losing satellite time. If we don't raise $50,000 by December 31, 2008.

Please help keep the flame of Judaism burning on television. Don't allow darkness to extinguish this beacon of light for 250,000 viewers.

For only $2950 you can be the sponsor for an entire week of satellite broadcasting coast to coast.
For $7000 you can help sponsor a brand new redesigned website to help share Jewish educational discussions with millions worldwide.

If we don't get help now, parts of the outreach of “A Cable to Jewish Life" may go dark.
Failure is not an option. we really need your help now. Click here to donate now.

Only two days left.

You can take advantage of our monthly automatic credit card billing option to become a pillar of A Cable to Jewish Life.

“A Cable to Jewish Life” is a bona fide 501(c)3 tax deductible organization.

I apologize for blogging this message. No message! Just asking for money.

I hope never to have to do this again, because you will help us honor this promise.

Please Donate NOW!

Click here to become a pillar.

Click here for a one time donation.

In the merit of your charity may G-d protect the Jews in Israel and the Israeli Defense Forces, who are fighting now for the survival of Israel.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Become a pillar of A Cable to Jewish Life – Subscribe to monthly Automatic Credit Card Donations

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Friday, December 26, 2008

Chanukah Menorah Parade

Happy Chanukah around the world!

Chanukah Menorah Parade from Joseph Katzman on Vimeo.

Why Oil? Why Parades? Why Giant Menorah's in State Capitals?

Mordy Simons interviews Rabbis Mordechai Hirsch and Moishe Schmukler, organizers of the largest Chanukah Menorah Parades in New York City. Over 300 cars and mobile homes take part in these parades.

But why not keep the holiday in your home for your family? Rabbi Chaim Miller, author of the Kol Menachem Chumash and many other works, tells us all about Chanukah, the street and much much more.

Relax watch and enjoy, to hear the rest of the story.

Let us know what you think. Share your comments on our blog.

Happy Chanukah.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Little Moishele Lights his fathers Menorah

Miracle boy, little Moishele Holtzberg, is seen here lighting the Chanukah Menorah with his maternal grandfather Rabbi Shimon Rosenberg. With his nanny the heroine of Mumbai, Sandra, looking on.

Although Moishele stopped crying out for EEMA an ABBA, he is still very weary of strangers. And is constantly reassured by the presence of his only familiar face, nanny Sandra. And when Moishele sees pictures of his martyred parents, he is overtly saddened at their sight.

This heart wrenching scene takes place in Afula Israel, where Sandra has moved to, in order to be with little Moishele whom she saved while risking her own life. She found him standing all bloodied up, right over the motionless bodies of both his parents. Who were butchered in the Chabad House in Mumbai India, three weeks ago.

This Menorah was rescued from the ruins of the Chabad House, and it belonged to Rabbi Gabi Holtzberg, Moishele's father. The grandfather Rabbi Shimon Rosenberg, Rivkah Holtzberg's father, asks Moishele to come and kindle the Menorah that his father used last year.

A scene that breaks your heart. But at the same time it reminds us of the miracle that unfolded in front of our eyes in the midst of this senseless massacre. The miraculous rescue of Moishele by a selfless Sandra, who showed us how high a person can rise to save another human being.

This is the message of Chanukah.
One small flask of oil.
One small lady Sandra.
With enough oil to burn one day.
With enough courage to risk her life for five minutes.
Lasted to burn for eight days.
Gave Moishele a lifetime to live.
And the light keeps burning for thousands of years since.
And Moishele will grow up to fill his fathers shoes for many years to come.

Remember, one little candle can dispel a room full of darkness. Light your Chanukah candles, add one candle each day, and ultimately darkness will be overrun, and the whole world will be illuminated with pure light initiated by a tiny flask of oil.

And when all the candles come together, they form this enormous flame that will consume the walls of this miserable bitter Golus, and will usher in the grand era of light and happiness with our righteous Moshiach NOW!

This video was taken by Israeli television channel 2.

Click here to watch Moishele kindle his fathers Menorah.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy Chanukah!

Yes we can, and we will, light up the world this Chanukah.

As the world gets ready to light up with Chanukah lights. We urge you to join in and get your lights in order.

Yes, lets avenge the blood of the martyrs in Mumbai, Rabbi Gabi and Rivki Holtzberg o.b.m, and obliterate darkness with much light.

Yes we can!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Donate to help keep Cablejew on national cable TV via Satellite

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dear Friend:

Please read my thoughts below on the tragedy in Mumbai where two of my colleagues have fallen while on duty to help those in need in that far away corner of the world.

I am not on duty in India. My job is to reach out to anybody wherever they are. Just flick on your TV and you will learn why it is important to care about your fellow in Mumbai.

Sadly "A Cable to Jewish Life" has fallen on hard times and we are in danger of losing our satellite time. If we don't raise $50,000 by December 31, 2008.

If we band together we can attain this goal with ease. But if we don't, 250,000 viewers will lose their opportunity to enjoy CJL programs every Sunday afternoon.

In the memory of the victims of Mumbai, please help keep the flame of Judaism burning on television. Don't allow darkness to prevail in extinguishing this beacon of light.

For only $2950 you can be the sponsor for an entire week of satellite broadcasting coast to coast. For $7000 you can help sponsor a brand new redesigned website to help share Jewish educational discussions with millions worldwide.

The bottom line is that if we don't get help very soon, parts of the programming and outreach of A Cable to Jewish Life" may be overpowered by darkness. This is something nobody wants, especially now when we are trying to increase in light.

Failure is not an option. I really need your help now. Click here to donate now.


Rabbi Yosef Katzman
Executive Producer/Host

P.S. We are running out of time, only 3 weeks left to reach out goal.

P.P.S. Call me at 718-221-2539 to become a sponsor. Dedications are available.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Massacre in Mumbai - Moishele cried EEMA! - Jewish Revenge

When Moishele cried EEMA!

Oceans of tears have been flowing over the last seven days, since we learned of the tragic end to the holy couple of Chabad Mumbai. The pictures of the failed rescue attempt, and the unanswered cry of Eema (mommy) by two year old Moishele who became an orphan on his second birthday, tore our hearts to pieces.

There were no tears left to shed, when Rivki’s father Rabbi Shimon Rosenberg, cried out to say that he will take the place of his murdered children in a rebuilt Chabad House in Mumbai to keep it for little Moishele.

Listening to Rav Ashkenazi break down crying at the funeral, asking G-d WHY? tore away your inner soul. And when Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky called for Jewish revenge, to spread even more light, that will obliterate all forms of darkness. Your adrenaline shot up, running full throttle.

Yes, I was up at 5:00 am to join my community in watching a live feed of the funeral in Kfar Chabad. Lots of tears and broken hearts were very much on display.


You think and you think and you don’t stop thinking. Why, Why, Why!


What am I taking away from such a horrifying, heart wrenching and tear flowing happening?


Some points to ponder:

1) Included in this barbaric massacre was Leibish Teitlebaum a Satmar rabbi from Meah-Shearim, Benzion Kruman a Bobover Chasid, Yocheved Orpaz an Israeli Zionist and Norma Shvarzblat-Rabinovich a Mexican, en-route to Israel.

The only common denominator between all the victims is the fact that all were Jews. To the terrorists it mattered not if you were pro Israel or anti-Zionist. All that mattered was that you are a Jew. An equal opportunity killer, no discriminating.

Like the terrorists, Rabbi Gabi and Rivka Holzberg did not discriminate, everybody was welcome, Chabad, Satmar, Bobov, Zionist, Mexican, Israeli backpacker or diamond merchant. Their home was open to all 24/7, for a cup of coffee, a bed to rest, and free phone calls to home or free access to surf the net. Let alone a Shabbat meal, a Minyan for Mincha or a lecture in the Talmud or Chasidic philosophy.

Just like any other Chabad rabbi anywhere in the world.

2) Little Moishele cries out for Eema! The two year old boy has no clue as to what happened, but he is missing his loving mother. So he cries MOMMY!

We all share that feeling of hopelessness and the knowledge that we have no clue as to why this all is happening, so we all cry out to our father in heaven: Oh, Holy father, how much more do we have to suffer?

Rabbi Lau so brilliantly tied together the cry of MAMMA that he heard in Auschwitz, when children were separated from their mothers. To the 80 year old Chassid who cried out at the Rebbe’s funeral TATTE. To Moishele’s cry of EEMA, as one big cry, that brings us all together in time of excruciating pain.

Like Moishele we must band together and cry out to our father in heaven, tell Him of our pain of this bitter Golus (exile), tell Him that we can’t take it anymore, and demand of a loving father to see the pain of his children as they are longing to be reunited with Him, back home in Jerusalem with the righteous Moshiach.

3) A call for revenge.

A bereaved father is trying to avenge the blood of his children. He will take their place in India to continue running their Chabad House. Nobody will detract him from his mission of spreading the love and the light of Torah.

Like him, proclaims Rabbi Kotlarsky in the name of thousands of Chabad Shluchim and all the Lubavitcher Chasidim: We are out to take Jewish revenge, we will rebuild the Chabad House and we will double our efforts to build more Chabad houses, and we will spread more love and more light, by kindling Shabbat candles, put on Tefillin, and make sure that this coming Chanukah every single Jew in the entire world will light a Chanukah Menorah.

4) Sandra Samuel, the one and only hero, saved Moishele, while she risked her own life.

Although Sandra is not Jewish, she learned from the Holzbergs by living example the love to humanity, she couldn’t think of not rescuing Moishele, possibly at her own life’s expense.

Gabi and Rivki showed by example in their life and sadly also in their death what true self-sacrifice is. It mattered not if you were Jew or gentile, thousands were touched by their kindness and love during their short life, and millions were affected by their martyrs’ death, sanctifying G-d’s name.

5) The Rebbe’s picture in the demolished Chabad House fell from the wall, but did not crack or break.

Perhaps we have fallen, but in no way are we out and defeated. We will gather our strength, get up and continue with the mission the Rebbe has entrusted us. Bring Moshiach closer by adding in goodness and kindness.


This Shabbat many will visit their local Chabad house. Many will declare: Today I am Chabad. Many will join in song in memory of the Holzbergs. Many will recount their experiences meeting the Holzbergs in Mumbai. And many will recall the thousands of Holzbergs who man the thousands of Chabad houses in every corner of the globe.

Friends, this is not about solidarity with a bereaved movement (which in itself is not a bad thing). This is about doing what Jews are supposed to do as Jews. No matter who you are, and what you believe or don’t believe in. The terrorists and their victims already beat us to it, to let us know, that we are all Jews, and that we are all brothers sand sisters.

So in solidarity with our millions of brothers and sisters all over the world, let’s avenge the blood of our sisters and brothers in Mumbai. Light Shabbat candles this Friday evening (18 minutes before sunset) in their memory. Make Kiddush and have a Shabbat meal with your family. Check in with your local Chabad House and join them for Shabbat services and Kiddush Friday night.


And in the words of our sages: G-d has promised, if you keep the Shabbat candles alight I will show you the lights of Zion.

May the lights of this holy Shabbat, lit in memory of the holy victims, awaken the holy mercy of our holy father in heaven, to redeem his holy people and bring them forth to the holy city of Jerusalem with our holy redeemer, the righteous Moshiach NOW!


To help Moishele or to locate your local Chabad House, visit


To help "A Cable to Jewish Life" avenge the blood of the Mumbai martyrs by spreading light via television and the internet, please go to PayPal and donate the oil that will help keep the bright light illuminated.

You can also click here to donate.

Rabbi Yosef Katzman
Executive Producer & Host

A Cable to Jewish Life
383 Kingston Ave. #323
Brooklyn, NY 11213
(718) 221-2539