Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Little Moishele Lights his fathers Menorah

Miracle boy, little Moishele Holtzberg, is seen here lighting the Chanukah Menorah with his maternal grandfather Rabbi Shimon Rosenberg. With his nanny the heroine of Mumbai, Sandra, looking on.

Although Moishele stopped crying out for EEMA an ABBA, he is still very weary of strangers. And is constantly reassured by the presence of his only familiar face, nanny Sandra. And when Moishele sees pictures of his martyred parents, he is overtly saddened at their sight.

This heart wrenching scene takes place in Afula Israel, where Sandra has moved to, in order to be with little Moishele whom she saved while risking her own life. She found him standing all bloodied up, right over the motionless bodies of both his parents. Who were butchered in the Chabad House in Mumbai India, three weeks ago.

This Menorah was rescued from the ruins of the Chabad House, and it belonged to Rabbi Gabi Holtzberg, Moishele's father. The grandfather Rabbi Shimon Rosenberg, Rivkah Holtzberg's father, asks Moishele to come and kindle the Menorah that his father used last year.

A scene that breaks your heart. But at the same time it reminds us of the miracle that unfolded in front of our eyes in the midst of this senseless massacre. The miraculous rescue of Moishele by a selfless Sandra, who showed us how high a person can rise to save another human being.

This is the message of Chanukah.
One small flask of oil.
One small lady Sandra.
With enough oil to burn one day.
With enough courage to risk her life for five minutes.
Lasted to burn for eight days.
Gave Moishele a lifetime to live.
And the light keeps burning for thousands of years since.
And Moishele will grow up to fill his fathers shoes for many years to come.

Remember, one little candle can dispel a room full of darkness. Light your Chanukah candles, add one candle each day, and ultimately darkness will be overrun, and the whole world will be illuminated with pure light initiated by a tiny flask of oil.

And when all the candles come together, they form this enormous flame that will consume the walls of this miserable bitter Golus, and will usher in the grand era of light and happiness with our righteous Moshiach NOW!

This video was taken by Israeli television channel 2.

Click here to watch Moishele kindle his fathers Menorah.

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