Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Purim Spirit

Purim Spirit from Joseph Katzman on Vimeo.
Purim happened in ancient Persia, present day Iraq and iran. Any connection between todays tensions in that part of the world and Purim of old?

If Yom Kippur (Yom Ha-Ki-Purim) is only similar to Purim, which implies that Purim is holier and greater than yom kippur, how is it that on Yom Kippur we fast and spend the entire day in temple, while on purim we eat, drink, and mostly have a very good time (and that's an understatement).

What brings us closer to g-d and the mission he entrusted us with in this world, Purim or Yom Kippur?

Listen to some answers to these and other questions, in this interview with Rabbi Simon Jacobson, on A Cable to Jewish Life program with show host, Rabbi Yosef Katzman.

If the Purim story was such a great miracle, why is G-d's name never mentioned in the entire recorded story of Purim in the Megila?

And what was so much of a miracle? How does the story of Queen Esther compare to the miracle of the splitting of the red sea?

According to Rabbi Simon Jacobson, the story of purim never ended. He claims that the Baal Shem Tov says that the Purim story replays constantly in your life as well as in mine.

So what's the message of Purim? Spiritualize the material. You have been charged with a mission, says Rabbi Simon Jacobson, in this interview with Rabbi Yosef Katzman on A Cable to Jewish Life.

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